
2024 Q3
Featured development of Button Swap on Aleph Zero.
2024 Q2
R&D of DAPPs on Aleph Zero.
2024 Q1
R&D of DAPPs on Aleph Zero.
2023 Q4
Development of Smart Contract Hub for Aleph Zero.
Development of Token Distributor on Aleph Zero.
Development of Farm Pool on Aleph Zero.
2023 Q3
Research and development of Aleph Zero DAPP infrastructure
2023 Q2
Button Migration
  • UI/UX
  • Smart contract on Secret Network
  • Smart contract on Aleph Zero
  • Start building on Aleph Zero
  • Create pool nomination page (Deprecated as Aleph Zero created a new "Pools Dashboard" which did everything we wanted)
  • Setup infrastructure for user to interact with apps
  • Setup infrastructure for to automate smart contract interactions
  • Launch our first DAPP
  • Button Swap
  • Integrate Shade Swap
  • Other
  • Create API for CoinGecko so they can access historical data for BUTT-SWBTC pool
  • 2023 Q1
    New website template
    2022 Q4
    Research other chains to build on
  • Aleo
  • Aleph Zero
  • Dero
  • Lit Protocol
  • Oxen
  • Rootstock
  • 2022 Q3
    Button Swap Limit Orders
  • Create smart contract
  • Create back end
  • Create bot to process orders
  • Create UI
  • Track prices and display as candle charts
  • Have smart contract audited
  • Deploy
  • 2022 Q2
    Button Swap IBC integration
    2022 Q1
    UI/UX & Marketing
    2021 Q4
    Dapps & Apps
  • NEAR: Smart Contract Interface
  • Secret Network: Address Alias to take BUTT as payment
  • Secret Network: BUTT lode
  • Secret Network: DEX Aggregator
  • Secret Network: Transactions Viewer improvements
  • Secret Network: Yield Optimizer - LP staking
  • 2021 Q3
  • Button Distributor
  • Yield Optimizer - SEFI staking
  • Profit Distributor
  • Mount Doom
  • 2021 Q2
    Auditing tools for Secret Network
  • Address Alias
  • Smart Contract Interface
  • Transactions Viewer (SNIP-20 Tokens)
  • Seek funding
  • Secret Network foundation   grant application
  • Button ($BUTT)
  • Create token
  • R & D tokenomics
  • Create and implement time lock contracts
  • Create and implement token sale contracts
  • Have all contracts reviewed
  • 2021 Q1
  • Concept generation
  • Assemble team
  • Create core resources
  • Website
  • Branding